Twitter is almost too easy sometimes.
When I got started, I tweeted everything under one account. Since I didn't use it much, it worked out just fine. But eventually my rugby addiction caught up with me, and @melindarice developed multiple personalities. Every day tweets relating to writing, the kids, work, chavs, etc stayed with @melindarice, and the sporty personality broke off to create @tigerschickmel. There I could tweet rugby and F1 as much as I wanted for those who were only interested in my rugby and F1 thoughts.
But soon that caused problems too. I love following Leicester Tigers official tweeter/twitterer, but I also love tweeting what I see, think and feel when I'm on the Crumbie Terrace as well. As you may know from my last blog post, this got me into a spot of bother at our last home match. For once my 3G signal didn't disappear and it wasn't too cold to leave my gloves off, so I had a blast giving my unofficial commentary. I was accused of being biased.
Multiple personality number three has emerged: @tigersrugby. This will be an account dedicated purely to this biased verbal outpouring from matches or from my living room or local pub while watching matches on the telly. I will say upfront that I am a Tigers supporter and will tweet as such. But those of you who aren't interested but who still kinda like the other rubbish I come out with can have the 20 or 30 glowing matchday tweets filtered out.
I even have three followers. Okay, two followers. I'm sad enough to have started the ball rolling by following myself.
-- Post From My iPhone
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